GWS Debate: How Much Do You Love the Internet…Sometimes?
Friends, I spend a lot of time hating on the Internet and resenting the way that the contemporary media environment has narrowed thought and turned American journalism into an endless series of Kim Kardashian pictures and speculation as to how the Charlie Hebdo massacre will affect your favorite YouTube stars.
You know what? I have occasion to give the Internet some well-deserved props. I’m fixing up a draft of a mystery/crime story and I wanted to confirm some details and double-check everything…you know, overall verisimilitude stuff. Don’t we live in an amazing time? I can virtually walk the streets of Mexican coastal town of Sayulita:
I can watch (extremely positive) video of what Sayulita is like.
I can even drop in on a wedding that took place in Sayulita!
And since it’s a crime story, I can keep tabs on drug crimes and murders in Nayarit.
So while I deeply resent what the Internet has done to so many facets of our literary world, I can’t help but be grateful for some of the good that the World Wide Web has brought us.
How has the Internet helped you with your writing?
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